KT (Korea Telecom), No.1 pioneer in 5G, organized a demonstration event of which intoPIX participated to built a proof of concept for Live low latency video streaming over a 5G network. The aim of the event was to test the new JPEG XS low complexity low latency standard using intoPIX TicoXS solution, particularly versus other codecs like H264. Attendees of the demonstration said "intoPIX technology brought sensation!"
5Gのロールアウトは急速なペースで進化しており、すぐに多くのユーザーがアクセスできるようになります。5Gの帯域幅が強化され、自動運転車、IoT、VR/ARメガネ、Live ストリーミング、リモートコントロール(ドローン、車両)、.. cloudゲームなど 高いデータレートの瞬時通信、低遅延、大規模な接続を必要とする、多くの新しいアプリケーションの登場が可能になります。
5G is today's new hot topic but is lacking proofs of concepts to further develop use cases. Therefore, last summer in August 2019, KT organized a demonstration event to develop several 5G-related applications of which Live streaming over 5G was one of the most expected demos. intoPIX TicoXS solution was elected to take up the challenge.
5Gストリーミング: JPEG XSは低遅延の勝者
One goal was to compare in terms of quality and latency KT’s existing H.264 CDN with TicoXS FPGA-based solution over a 5G infrastructure. intoPIX low latency and low complexity TicoXS solution delivered an outstanding performance in comparison to its H.264 competitor.
デモのセットアップは、2つの画面を並べて比較するもので、1つはKT社の既存のH.264コーデックを使用したもの、もう1つはintoPIX JPEG XSコーデックを使用したものでした。デモの目撃者は、1080pのストリーミングコンテンツを表示する2つの画面を同時に比較し、H.264コーデックとJPEG XSコーデックを直接評価することができました。
What's in for TicoXS ?
What holds you back from testing intoPIX TicoXS solution in your latest 5G application ?
intoPIX co-invented the new JPEG XS standard for lossless quality, low latency and low complexity coding. Discover our various implementations, including accelerated our most recent software & IP Cores.
intoPIX co-invented the new JPEG XS standard for lossless quality, low latency and low complexity coding. Discover our various implementations, including accelerated our most recent software & IP Cores.